As a student and a future parent, education is very important to me. I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to politics and I don't fully understand every issue the candidates are forced to make an opinion on. However, education is an issue I can relate to and therefore care about in this upcoming election. Barack Obama's view on education is that there are not enough high-quality teacher's in every classroom across America. Part of the reason why classrooms are lacking good teachers is that 30% of teachers across America are giving up the teaching profession shortly after starting. Barack wants to start training, hiring and rewarding teachers across the country. I agree with this solution as long as the reward for the teachers is large enough. Teachers have a huge impact on the people we become as a country; without good teachers, our country's population will be poorly educated and probably not very successful. Obama also believes that we need to start educating children at a younger age. I strongly agree with this opinion because the younger we are, the easier it is to learn. For example, it is easier for children to start learning a second language at a young age rather then starting when they are 12. Barack and Biden's plans are to create better child care so its easier on working families, increase Head Start funding so children will be better educated at a younger age, and increase funding for the Federal Charter School Program which would help create better and stronger school systems. These are just a few of the actions Obama plans to make if he is elected president. I strongly agree with Barack Obama's education plans to help change and improve education across the country. John McCain's views on education are not as equalizing as Obama's. McCain for the most part believes in school's competing for the best teachers instead of trying to get good teachers in every school. John McCain also says, "If a school will not change, the students should be able to change schools." This is easier said then done. A lot of students are stuck at a school due to location and finances. McCain has some good educational plans, however I agree more with Barack Obama's educational views.
Very nice. Education, as you can imagine, is also very important to me! I am so pleased that you find the issue important enough to follow at such a young age. Are you thinking about a career in teaching? Anyway, I agree with you! But I do hope that our national leaders start making policies on education that make sense for students. This requires serious discussion with the educators in the classroom and community members.
I completely agree with you! Education is so important to everyone's lives and i can't even start to imagine a world without it. But then again, being a student, I know i have had some not-so-great teachers in the past. It would be great if all our teachers at GBN had the training and exerience that Barack wants them to have.
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